We want your feedback

We are proud of being the largest and oldest established independent bookmaker in your area and we want to know how we can serve you better. As a company we have always strived to provide the very best customer service. Many of you have been loyal to us for decades. This is something that is also true of our staff. We have many employees with over 25 years service. Over the coming months we are pleased to announce we will be offering new and exciting promotions as a thank you for your loyalty.

We want to hear from you. Please take a minute to tell us if there is anything we can do better. We are listening. Every response will be reviewed by senior management and feedback given to the shop and its staff.

Let us know:
  • What we can do better.
  • If there is anything we are not offering you that we should.
  • About staff members that go above and beyond in their service to you.
  • What you like about Mark Jarvis compared to the large national chains.
Thank you,
From all at Mark Jarvis.
